Hi, I’m Lukas Sabatschus

Or luksab, as I’m known as on the Internet.

I love to write code and build stuff in the real world, but the best part is always bringing the two together.
This website is the place for my projects I’m most passionate about and want to share. Feel free to look around and explore.

This page has a list of some of my favorite projects, if you want to see more, just click on the title of the project, and you’ll be redirected to the project’s page.


My Bachelor’s thesis on using polynomial optics to efficiently render lens flares like this one: Polyflare


is a short film written in Opengl using my custom mini-engine and satellite images from HiRISE: OpenGL mars

My NixOS config

was started in early August 2021 with help from MayNiklas and is now my main OS on most of my machines.

Dad Bot

responds to unwitting discord messages with jokes, but is also a generally useful Discord bot.

An entire CPU

During the project group TI me and three other students coded a pipelined MIPS CPU in VHDL and ran it on a Xilinx FPGA.

I also created an assembler in JS for it to make writing programs for it a little easier.

And loads of others

many written in Rust or JavaScript, my favorite languages right now.

Lukas Sabatschus

code, electronics and everything in between