This Website

Hopefully, you have already noticed how fast everything loads here. There are a few reasons that I would like to share with you.


First of all, this site is statically generated by Hugo and served by NGINX on a cloud server.
Additionally, Cloudflare is used as a cache, to achieve low latency globally.


By the selected architecture, the loading times are already relatively low, but there are still some things that I implemented to improve the overall performance.

Hugo Pipes

Hugo has a feature called Pipes that allow for processing of assets during the build process.


The Risotto Template comes with a lot of CSS files, which I combined with Hugo Pipes to reduce the number of files served. To combine multiple files in Hugo with Pipes, all files have to be loaded into a variable, and then combined with resources.Concat to a single CSS object, which can then be minified using minify.

{{ $gruvbox := resources.Get "css/colour/gruvbox-dark.css" | toCSS }}
{{ $darkMode := resources.Get "css/colour/dark-mode.css" | toCSS }}
{{ $about := resources.Get "css/about.css" | toCSS }}
{{ $footer := resources.Get "css/footer.css" | toCSS }}
{{ $header := resources.Get "css/header.css" | toCSS }}
{{ $layout := resources.Get "css/layout.css" | toCSS }}
{{ $logo := resources.Get "css/logo.css" | toCSS }}
{{ $typography := resources.Get "css/typography.css" | toCSS }}
{{ $risotto := resources.Get "css/risotto.css" | toCSS }}
{{ $custom := resources.Get "css/custom.css" | toCSS }}
{{ $css := slice $gruvbox $darkMode $about $footer $header $layout $logo $typography $risotto $custom | resources.Concat "assets/css/main.css" | minify }}

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ $css.Permalink }}">


For images, I have overridden the Markdown ![alt](link) syntax, so that now images are converted to webp and jpg format with a maximum width of 1024 pixels.
The converted images can then be served in a <picture> HTML tag as srcsets.

{{ $images := .Page.Resources.ByType "image" }}
{{- $img := .Page.Resources.GetMatch (printf "%s" (.Destination)) -}}

{{- with $img -}}
{{ $width := int (math.Min $img.Width 1024) }}
{{ if ne $img.Width 1024 }}
{{ $img := $img.Resize (printf "%dx" $width) }}
{{ end }}
{{ $height := int (math.Mul (float $width) (math.Div (float $img.Height) (float $img.Width) ) ) }}
{{- $webp := $img.Resize (printf "%dx webp" $width) -}}
{{- $jpg := $img.Resize (printf "%dx jpeg" $width) -}}
    <source srcset="{{ $webp.RelPermalink }}" type="image/webp">
    <source srcset="{{ $jpg.RelPermalink }}" type="image/jpeg">
    <img alt="{{ $.Text }}" src="{{ $img.RelPermalink }}" width="{{ $width }}" height="{{ $height }}" />
{{- else -}}
{{ warnf "%s not found" (.Destination) }}
{{- end -}}


I use the font Abel-Regular from Matthew Desmond, which I converted from ttf to woff2, resulting in a file size of 12KB instead of 36KB. It is also preloaded in the HTML document, instead of being loaded in the CSS, where it is needed.

Lukas Sabatschus

code, electronics and everything in between

Apr 29, 2022